On-line version ISSN 2177-6210
OLIVEIRA, Terezinha and SANTIN, Rafael Henrique. Consentimento e uso em Tomás de Aquino: dois preceitos educativos no século XIII. Educação. UNISINOS [online]. 2010, vol.14, n.02, pp.97-103. ISSN 2177-6210.
This paper aims to expose some reflections regarding both scholastic and the teaching methodology that was developed in the University of Paris in XIII Century, emphasizing the questions 15 and 16 from Part I-II of Summa Theologiae, by Saint Thomas Aquinas. Based on a perspective that places man, society and education into a whole - a totality - and also having as basis texts written by contemporary authors who studied Medium Age and Thomasian thought, there was an attempt to approach the essential aspects of their formulations, thus contributing for studies covering the field of History of Education
Keywords : History of Medieval Education; Scholastic; Saint Thomas Aquinas.