On-line version ISSN 2177-6210
ONZI, Vanessa Bellani Lyra; VALLE, Ione Ribeiro and MAZO, Janice Zarpellon. A Escola Superior de Educação Física de Florianópolis e a ditadura militar de 1964: memórias e representações de uma história. Educação. UNISINOS [online]. 2010, vol.14, n.03, pp.246-254. ISSN 2177-6210.
The representations of educational military policy that invaded Brazil, in 1964, are mostly conducted by an ideology that aims to bring out a wide variety of excesses committed by those responsible for managing and applying it in the country. Thus, concerning the influence of the necessity of the period and the construction of a specific knowledge, focused in Physical Education and especially the training of its teachers, a necessary and immobilized knowledge has crossed by nearly two decades, the vast bibliography of educational field and the bibliography produced within the field of Physical Education in particular. Starting from the commonplaces of these positions present in the History of Education, the study proposed resignify them, based on the methodological perspective of Oral History. We tried to identify the understanding of Physical Education teachers (graduated at the School of Physical Education in Florianópolis (ESEF) in 1973) in relation to the Brazilian military dictatorship, established in 1964. By analyzing the teachers’ memories and representations, we try to show a new understanding in relation to what has happened between the Military Dictatorship and the young teachers of Physical Education graduated at that school.
Keywords : Teacher Education; History of Physical Education; Military Dictatorship; Representations.