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vol.17 issue02Ação colegiada como estratégia de democratização da gestão educacionalA literatura africana como pedagogia libertadora na prática do ensino de história author indexsubject indexarticles search
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On-line version ISSN 2177-6210


MACHADO, Aline Maria Batista. A relevância da educação popular para o serviço social. Educação. UNISINOS [online]. 2013, vol.17, n.02, pp.123-136. ISSN 2177-6210.

The paper main objective is to resume the debate on popular education as a theme and at the same time as an action strategy that is relevant to the job and professional training of social workers. While popular education seems to be submerged in the theoretical- professional debate due to the downturn of social movements, it is present in the field work of social workers, especially because this educational paradigm aims to contribute to the process of awareness-raising and mobilization of social subjects. In general, the article develops some theoretical reflections that emerged from a survey of the literature on the relationship between popular education and social service which have been ongoing since 2011 in the Group of Study and Research on Popular Education, Social Work and Social Movements (GEPEDUPSS) at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). Insofar as it is part of the task of social work to guide individuals and groups of different social segments in the defense of their rights, popular education is an important ally both in the political and ideological debate and in technical- operative debate that oppose the dominant hegemony.

Keywords : Popular Education; Social Work; Professional Training and Social Mobilization.

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