On-line version ISSN 2177-6210
CUNHA, Maria Isabel da. Se “Narciso acha feio o que não é espelho”, o que aprendemos com os estudos comparados em Educação?. Educação. UNISINOS [online]. 2013, vol.17, n.03, pp.232-237. ISSN 2177-6210.
The paper presents a reflection based on the author’s narrative about her training and work experience related to the field of comparative studies. It focuses on the theme in a generational perspective, with the political and historical landmarks of the recent Brazil as a backdrop. It presents the critical view which was built on the comparative studies when they were developed in a context that encouraged a reductionist perspective and with little contribution to teaching practices, due to the distance of the models in relation to the objective conditions of production of education in national contexts. Subsequently, it explores the possibility of developing solidarity experiences towards the qualification of educational practices, expanding the traditional concept of comparative education and grounding it on a dialogue in which it is possible to learn from each other, recognizing that experience is not transmitted, but it teaches the individuals and institutions to give more support to their own trajectories.
Keywords : Comparative Studies; Collaborative Work; Communities of Practice.