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versión On-line ISSN 2177-6210
DAL'IGNA, Maria Cláudia y FABRIS, Elí Henn. Constitution of an education ethos in Pibid/Unisinos: Subjectivation processes in initial teacher training. Educação. UNISINOS [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.1, pp.77-87. ISSN 2177-6210.
This paper presents part of the results of two researches that aim at describing and analyzing possible effects of Pibid, an initial teacher training program intended to promote the insertion of teaching students in the context of public schools, thus contributing to the improvement of their education. With the support of two theoretical fields - Foucauldian Studies and Teacher Studies -, the paper investigates how what we have called education ethos has been constituted: a certain way of being and acting as a result of processes by which one learns to see oneself, reflect on one's own actions and operate changes on oneself. The results have shown that this initial training program is involved in the production of certain subjectivities, as it regulates the relationships of teaching students with themselves by producing a way of experiencing the education process. At the same time, this education ethos gives conditions for the development of teacher education directed to one's and the other's care by enabling new forms of production of the self and relationships with the others.
Palabras clave : Teacher Education; Initial Teaching Experience; Subjectivation; Education Ethos..