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PETERS, Michael. Postcolonial biopolitics in the empire of capital: Lines of Foucauldian inquiry in educational studies. Educação. UNISINOS [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.1, pp.88-100. ISSN 2177-6210.

This paper provides a reading of the trope "after Foucault" to indicate three lines of inquiry in Foucauldian studies with particular application to education: the postcolonial, following Edward Said; the biopolitical, following Giorgio Agamben; and the empire of capital, following Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. This is a synoptic paper that engages with the question of how to read Foucault after thirty years of theorising, following the advice of Foucault himself, and in each case of the postcolonial, the biopolitical and the empire of capital there are hermeneutical gains and losses. And in each case the field of educational opens itself to new vistas, new problems, and new orientations and approaches.

Keywords : Biopolitics; Foucauldian Studies; Post-Colonial; Empire of Capital..

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