On-line version ISSN 2177-6210
OLIVEIRA, Renato José de. Ethical learning at the school: Between certainties and uncertainties. Educação. UNISINOS [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.1, pp.114-121. ISSN 2177-6210.
This paper discusses, initially, the philosophical and scientific search for true knowledge about the nature of the world and of man, able to provide the subject of knowledge the acquisition of absolute certainties. From criticism to determinism and the notion of scientific neutrality made in the twentieth century, such search has yielded place to the acquisition of reliable knowledge, however provisional and subject to revisions. Based on Chaïm Perelman's approach, the text shows that reliable knowledge that rely on opinion and verisimilitude contribute to question the so-called absolute truths as the suspension of judgments in ethics, constituting important references for ethical learning at school. We examine, then, the four pedagogical actions (learning of mutual respect, justice, solidarity and dialogue) that since the advent of National Curriculum Guidelines (1998) have been deemed reliable. Some problematizations are conducted with the aim of promoting reflection on the certainties and uncertainties surrounding the pedagogical knowledge related to ethical learning of elementary and High School students.
Keywords : Ethical Learning; Pedagogical Knowledge; Argument..