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vol.20 número3Trajetórias de professoras assistentes do Instituto de Educação do Rio de Janeiro nos anos 1960As linhas ou alinhavos do tempo: jogos de linguagem e os sentidos de tempo nas Políticas Curriculares de História índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2177-6210


PANIZZOLO, Claudia  y  BELO, Milena Domingos. To educate the childhood for the nation's future: An analysis of Puiggari-Barreto Reading Series. Educação. UNISINOS [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.3, pp.367-376. ISSN 2177-6210.

Teachers Romão Puiggari and Arnaldo de Oliveira Barreto published in 1903 the Puiggari-Barreto Reading Series, an important material destined to primary school that was used for the execution of the function established for the educational institution: to form the Republican citizen so that he would be orderly, disciplined, healthy, hygienic and patriot. By analyzing the content and images, this text presents the results of a survey that investigated the representations about an ideal of Brazilian children present in the work and the centrality given to the school as an institution responsible for the socialization of children, based on the concept of representation developed by Chartier (1990).

Palabras clave : Reading Books; Puiggari-Barreto Reading Series; Representation; Childhood History.

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