Revista Práxis Educacional
On-line version ISSN 2178-2679
VIANNA, Luciano José. REFLECTIONS ON THE TEACHING TRAINING TO THE BASIC EDUCATION IN THE SIGNATURE MEDIEVAL HISTORY I. Práx. Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.16, n.42, pp.461-483. Epub May 16, 2024. ISSN 2178-2679.
Abstract: In this article, our aim is to do a reflection about teaching training of History to the basic education through the teaching practice in the signature of Medieval History I at the Universidade de Pernambuco/campus Petrolina. To do this, we analyse thematical aspects in the text of several medievalists; production to the formation of professors through the studies of Cruz e Hobold (2018), Fazenda (2012), Gadotti (1995), Lüdke (2012), Macedo (2013), Pimenta (2005), Santos (2012) and Schmidt (2004); and didactical aspects through the studies of Bergmann (1989-1990), Bittencourt (2004), Guimarães (2016), Libâneo (2006), Lück (1995) and Santos, Silva Júnior e Sousa (2016). In the first moment, we present the propose of signature of Medieval History I presenting the contains which we work in the same. After that, we problematize the dynamic of the signature, talking about the concepts, the thematical diversity and the exercise of deconstruction of the ideas about the period. So, we turn to the interdisciplinary perspective in the signature, and make attention to the BNCC’s proposes to the fundamental teaching. As a final consideration, we highlight the mainly characteristics of the signature with contemporary themes of social demands in order to auxiliary in the teaching training and the construction of the citizenship of the students of Basic Education.
Keywords : Basic Education; Medieval History; Teaching training..