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vol.21 número2A (in)determinância do capital cultural e do background no desempenho dos bolsistas Prouni: das notas além do esperado às hipóteses de resultados improváveisKlaus Günther e a nova perspectiva sobre a teoria da argumentação: justificação e aplicação índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação

versión impresa ISSN 0103-1457versión On-line ISSN 2178-4612


BRESSIANI, Alexandre Paludo  y  NODARI, Paulo César. The post-metaphysical speech in a society secularized second Habermas. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2016, vol.21, n.2, pp.309-337. ISSN 2178-4612.

This paper presents and puts the thought Habermas postmetaphysical discourse in a secularized society, and the same articulated in two stages. First, it is to present the discourse of Modernity (1), highlighting the main aspects of the critique of instrumental reason of Horkheimer and Adorno (1.1), the importance of the hegelian concept of Modernity (1.2), and Nietzsche as the tipping point for the post-metaphysical discourse (1.3). Second, it shows the post-metaphysical discourse in a secularized society (2). In light of this outline, following the analytical method of approach, it is intended from the thought Habermas, presenting, on one hand, a philosophical speech aware of the difficulties, and also their fallibility, but on the other hand, its relevance in search construction of philosophical discourse with direction from the inter-subjectively valid agreement.

Palabras clave : Habermas; Modernity; Society; Post-Metaphysical; Secularization.

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