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Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação

Print version ISSN 0103-1457On-line version ISSN 2178-4612


LEITINHO, Meirecele Calíope  and  MAXIMO JUNIOR, Januário Rosendo. A foray by the triad: curriculum, science philosophy and teachers training of the natural science area. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2016, vol.21, n.3, pp.604-627. ISSN 2178-4612.

This article presents the state of the issue about the triad philosophy of science, curriculum and teacher education, being part of an ongoing research conducted in the graduate program in education that aims to understand the importance of philosophy of science in the curriculum of the graduate courses in the field of natural sciences. The construction of the state of the issue allows the mapping of research related to our subject of study, as well as reveals the knowledge about how the subject investigated in the current context of scientific productions. We conducted a survey of articles in journals with Qualis concepts from A1 to B2 on the Capes, in productions present in Digital Bank of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) and in papers published in the Brazilian Association of Science Education Research (Abrapec), in order to identify articles, theses and dissertations related to our theme. The data collected were organized and analyzed considering the goals, the theoretical framework and the methodology of the work found. The results showed that the vast majority of the works belong to the South and Southeast, and who still are rare in this area of research study, mainly in the Northeast. They have also shown that the research has as subject teachers, but no teachers-trainers and they use similar methodologies with the same data collection instruments, revealing to us that the path chosen for the completion of our study is in tune with what they have searched the area, but also demonstrated how this research can contribute, as it launches a new look on the subject When he thinks about the teacher trainer and innovates with the use of a methodology used in the work not yet found regarding this theme.

Keywords : Curriculum; Teacher Education; Philosophy of Science; Natural Sciences.

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