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Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação
versão impressa ISSN 0103-1457versão On-line ISSN 2178-4612
OLEGARIO, Fabiane e CORAZZA, Sandra Mara. Re-imagination of Calvino’s cities by means of translating fragments. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2018, vol.23, n.1, pp.63-76. ISSN 2178-4612.
This essay aims to affirm reading and writing as an active translating process by means of re-imagination of the Source Text Invisible City, written in 1972 by the Italian writer Italo Calvino. The essay has used the notion of fragments as understood by Tavares (2013), according to whom writing is constituted as thought experimentation. Its starting point are the clues provided by the traveler Marco Polo in Calvino’s work, which was read and reinvented by students attending a Pedagogy course at a Higher Education Institution in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul. A Guide of Reading-Writing Procedures - reading and writing - of Calvino’s Cities was provided to students aiming at showing nine rules whose objective was to serve to the inventive-translating operation. From those rules, the students tried to perform both an active reading and a living writing, i.e. a translating writing, which is not aimed to literally recover the text; rather, it privileges an inventive reading-writing and reinvention-translations. In terms of theoretical support, the text is approximated to the thought of difference, Barthes and Deleuze, and theories of literary translation proposed by Haroldo de Campos. It addresses the experience of the practice of reading and the attempt of writing, thus generating new interpretations of the Source Text. In this sense, reading-and-writing becomes an open practice that is never definitive, let alone static. In summary, the text aims to advocate that Source Texts are always caught by translating processes and, hence, they are reinvented through reading and writing in Target Texts.
Palavras-chave : Translation; Re-Creation; Pedagogy; Education.