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Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação

Print version ISSN 0103-1457On-line version ISSN 2178-4612


KETZER, Patricia. The refutation of the Richard Foley’s concept of trust: the impossibility of a use not analog in Epistemology of Testimony. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2018, vol.23, n.2, pp.325-346.  Epub Aug 20, 2019. ISSN 2178-4612.


Although Richard Foley does not present a clear definition of trust, we should not overlook the relevance of his work to further discussions on the subject. The peculiar feature of Foley’s approach compared to others is its attempt to offer an exclusively epistemic contribution of the concept of trust. This is a proposal for a non – analogic use of the concept that ignores the moral aspects involved in the act of trust. We will present Foley’s arguments about self-trust, as well as the argument that derives trust in others from self-trust, and their implications. Finally, we will arise some problems resulting from such proposal and we will point out the gaps in the theory for studies in Epistemology of Testimony, explaining its impracticability.

Keywords : Epistemic trust; Moral trust; Reliability; Testimony.

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