Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação
Print version ISSN 0103-1457On-line version ISSN 2178-4612
FAVERO, Altair Alberto and DORO, Marcelo José. The decline of experience and the educational challenges: an approach from Walter Benjamin. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2018, vol.23, n.3, pp.459-476. Epub July 29, 2019. ISSN 2178-4612.
Walter Benjamin speaks of experience (Erfahrung) as the kind of wisdom that results from the meeting of individual practices with the horizon of meaning provided by community life. But this meeting has become more difficult from the development of modern capitalist society. The new work dynamics and the accelerated urban life lead to isolation of individuals and distort their ability to significantly filter the events that accumulate in its everyday life. Many things happen, but very little remains of these events. Experience thus gives place to mere lived experience (Erlebnis). Unlike experience, which is articulated from the significant background of a community and becomes meaningful in relation to it, lived experience is constituted as a private moment. The lived experience does not connect the individuals to the life of community, to the tradition, and in this lies their poverty. Poverty of experience is, therefore, cultural poverty, lack of broader perspectives that can support a meaningful evaluation of the lived experiences; in short: inability to learn. In view of this context, the present essay seeks to emphasize the negative impact of the poverty of experience for the constitution of the subjectivity of the contemporary individual and signalize the possibility of making front to this picture from an educational idea focused on integral formation, that even before the increasing appeal of technical-scientific knowledge, do not give up the teach of the humanities. In this line, it defends the thesis that the humanistic formation subjects as Arts, Literature, Philosophy, play a prominent role in the development of necessary conditions to accomplishment of experiences at specific sense described by Benjamin. The essay of bibliographic-hermeneutical nature, presents itself as a contribution to think the current educational challenges.
Keywords : Experience; Poverty of experience; Walter Benjamin; Education; Humanistc education.