Servicios Personalizados
Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação
versión impresa ISSN 0103-1457versión On-line ISSN 2178-4612
SOMMERHALDER, Aline y MARTINS, Andressa de Oliveira. Permanent training and in the context of early childhood education professional: contributions from a universitary extension project. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2018, vol.23, n.3, pp.620-635. Epub 29-Jul-2019. ISSN 2178-4612.
This text originates from a research concluded. The study was developed within an universitary extension project with permanent training and in the context of Early Childhood Education professionals which act in daycare centers municipal and preschools in a countryside city of São Paulo state. Aiming to raise and describe aspects regarding participation (being in training) of these professionals, in this project underpinned on authors like Candau and Lelis, Imbernón, Nóvoa, Gatti and Barreiro, Libâneo and Pimenta, among others, it is sought further deepening in the training of teachers scope. This qualitative approach research used focus group as a tool for data collecting, with recording of footage and transcription of images and audio. Sixteen professionals participants (13 teachers, 1 head mistress, 1 physical education teacher, 1 lunch lady) of the referred extension project, were the investigated individuals. Data analysis was performed through content analysis. For the present text, it is presented a clipping of the results, highlighting those referred as “Being in Collective in the Project” and “Being Guided on the Practice”. Results show the need of rethinking the training of teachers, based on a collaborative development which considers real practices and the contexts of work, through linkage between theory and practice, once the research revealed that these elements are crucial for a substantial and high-class qualification, hence allowing impacts over the action. The approach between universities, day-care centers and pre-schools, through this project, enabled the formation in context of this group of professionals in Early Childhood Education, since the results showed that this extension activity was constituted as a space for collaboration, dialogue, reflection, learning, exchange of knowledge and experiences, as well as a space for professional affirmation and recognition of knowledge.
Palabras clave : Training of teachers; Universitary extension; Theory and practice.