Servicios Personalizados
Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação
versión impresa ISSN 0103-1457versión On-line ISSN 2178-4612
SCHWANTZ, Josimara Wikboldt; RODRIGUES, Carla Gonçalves y MATOS, João Pereira. Kafka in the teaching problematization: becoming-animal as an escaping line. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2019, vol.24, e019026. Epub 31-Jul-2020. ISSN 2178-4612.
In this text we intent to explore the idea of becoming from the novella “The Metamorphoses” by Franz Kafka. By the reading, evidencing the presence of animalism in his writing, in a way that catches our attention the insistence in giving voice to emergent questions from society and way of life, not only animal, but human. The metamorphoses of Gregor Samsa, that wakes up in one morning transformed into an insect. We departure, also, from the conception of becoming from philosophers Deleuze and Guattari,while sensation state is capable of multiplying the affective intensities, of thinking and expression in a body. We relate teaching and the problematic of existence through literature and philosophy. Such investigation is driven by the experimentations done with teachers, acting and in training, in writing - reading workshop called Conatus, using, among other subjects, Kafka’s literature to question teaching and what sickens among school life. Ahead of small radio soap operas written and recorded by the participants, we come across with the question: what are the conditions to something to be created in the pedagogical practice? The soap operas gave visibility, among other issues, to the conflicts faced in the profession. We highlight the creation entitled “The Cow”, where the teachers acted their restlessness and their images disfiguration as an escaping line from secret deprecating identities by different circumstances and local where we live. As a result we understand that literature and philosophy show themselves as potent intercessors, by favoring the deconstruction of meanings and the opening to think about possibilities’ conditions and other ways of existing.
Palabras clave : Kafka; Becoming-animal; Literature; Philosophy of difference; Writing-reading.