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Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação

Print version ISSN 0103-1457On-line version ISSN 2178-4612


AUGSBURGER, Luiz Guilherme; KRAEMER, Celso  and  SAMPAIO, Helena Almeida e Silva. Between two nihilisms: an acrobatic art to repotinalize the invention in research on childhood. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.25, e020002. ISSN 2178-4612.

The many truths about childhood in our time, from the most academic to the most “innovative”, are compiled in books and articles inside and outside our libraries. Broadly, they construct two types of nihilism. A nihilism, of a universalist type, which sucks the child out of the immanence of life and history and makes it hostage to universal stereotypes. Another nihilism, of the relativistic type, which forgets the child and only accuses the studies of childhood as a mere invention. Avoiding these extremes requires a kind of acrobatic art of to be in balance on the possibility of a “between”. This kind of art seeks to retake the historical immanence of the child (“going down to the basements”, “suspension of certainties”, “research with…”, “truth-happening”, “ojectification and subjectivation”, “critical attitude”). This is about a research looking for (re)potentialization of the idea of invention (of childhood) whose critical attitude implied not the question by the right government or the absence of childhood government, but how not to govern thus, by these people, in the name of these principles, in view of such objectives and by means of such procedures.

Keywords : Critical attitude; Childhood; Invention; Nihilism; Government.

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