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Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação
versão impressa ISSN 0103-1457versão On-line ISSN 2178-4612
CORAZZA, Sandra Mara e REIS, Marina dos. Dream classroom Propositions for the Education of Difference. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.25, e020032. ISSN 2178-4612.
This essay aims to reflect on education and the challenges of science and the production of knowledge in the search for emancipation. As a background plot, we bring a brief discussion about the production of knowledge today, beyond what Santos (2007) calls “abyssal thinking”. Thus, at first, it is intended to think about the condition of education today, that is, to discuss its directions in times of political and economic regressions. Then, the objective is to indicate the need to overcome abyssal thinking, reflecting on the extent to which education functions as a fundamental resource for emancipation and to what extent its limits go. The approximations with the problematized themes occur through the dialectical theoretical-methodological perspective of the analyzed phenomenon. These approaches are expected to contribute to an inclusive and emancipatory proposal for valuing the knowledge of experiences, giving visibility to the values and aesthetic representations of the various groups, whose voices are often excluded and / or silenced in educational systems. Putting in dialogue with science (re) knowing the cultures that have been excluded over the centuries. In addition, it is necessary to oppose the blind power of all collectives, strengthening resistance to them by clarifying the problem. The search for critical rationality in the production of knowledge goes through the tensions and fractures of the human condition in contemporary capitalism, but this does not necessarily mean that one has to abandon one’s own reason, in order to have an adequate condition of human life beyond abyssal thinking.
Palavras-chave : Dream; Education; Writing; Difference Education.