Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação
Print version ISSN 0103-1457On-line version ISSN 2178-4612
PAULA JUNIOR, Antonio Filogenio de. Afro-brazilian philosophy as a formative contribution to the teaching of philosophy. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2022, vol.27, e022013. Epub Mar 10, 2024. ISSN 2178-4612.
In this article we present a perspective of understanding the history of philosophy, in which it is possible to access other ways of how this history can be interpreted. In this perspective, the Eurocentered epistemic deconstruction of the legitimation of the idea of ??a Greek “miracle” occurs that allows the emergence of philosophy in this region to the detriment of other places. The assumption indicated is that of pluriversality by Mogobe Ramose (2011) who presents the idea of ??reflective and critical thinking as a human condition, regardless of location. In relation to the African continent, we bring the criticism that modern slavery promoted by Europe dehumanized Africans and Indians and, with this, denies them the capacity for thought. After this analysis, we present Afro-Brazilian philosophy as a development of African philosophy in its displacement from the African continent to the Americas during the period of slavery and colonization. We present the epistemic bases of this philosophy maintained in Afro-Brazilian cultures. We also highlight their bodily subsidies, highlighting their ethical and aesthetic dimension when proposing other ways of relating in which the collective is the alternative to individualism, in which a community and solidarity ethic stands out. The narratives constituted in the colonizing process of modernity are reviewed in their assumptions of supremacy to give rise to a philosophy that reaches out to the other, that is established in otherness. Such a proposal seems relevant to formal philosophy teaching, as it directly dialogues with the reality of the country's formative existential world, and points out other possibilities for organizing life in different aspects, but all of them permeated by education, in this case, education for to be and be with the other, which calls for curriculum revision in the philosophy grid, both in teacher training and in the discipline aimed at high school.
Keywords : Philosophy; Afro-Brazilian; Education; Ethics; Aesthetics.