Acta Scientiarum. Education
Print version ISSN 5178-5198On-line version ISSN 2178-5201
MOREIRA, Jani Alves da Silva and BARROS, Fabiana Pereira. Financing and management of basic education: historical and political assumptions. Acta Scientiarum. Education [online]. 2015, vol.37, n.4, pp.437-447. ISSN 2178-5201.
The article presents results of a survey on the history and policies of the financing and management of basic education in Brazil. It is a critical and historical analysis in which the purposes, the developments and the modus public education was financed and administered from its origin to the present. The goal is to elucidate and clarify how resources for the financing and management of education at its basic level were determined and defined up to the implementation of a public policy. The progress and challenges for a quality public education are thus explained. The analysis focused on budgets, such as current regulations present in legislation and financial funds.
Keywords : Financial Resources; History; Politics; Education Law.