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Acta Scientiarum. Education

Print version ISSN 2178-5198On-line version ISSN 2178-5201


GUMIERO, Rosane  and  ARAUJO, Kleber de. Contribuition of Paulo Freire and Célestin Freinet to the process of teaching-learning. Acta Educ. [online]. 2019, vol.41, e41255.  Epub Mar 01, 2019. ISSN 2178-5201.

This article discusses the contributions made by Freirean pedagogy and Freine's pedagogy with regard to the multiple and complex teaching-learning process. Those of one and the other converge to the great importance of the protagonist in this process - the learner - and emphasize it. Another preponderant aspect of this dialogue is the relationship between education and humanization. Freire defends the substitution of traditional education for education aimed at creating critical mental dispositions, favorable to participation, collective deliberation, interference, dialogue, self-government and, consequently, its contribution to democratization. Freinet assures that the educator has motivations and enthusiasms that the educator must liberate and favor; this, in turn, should create a space favorable to the teaching process, facilitating their learning through ‘pedagogical techniques for life’. Both Freire and Freinet not only criticize traditional and outdated forms of teaching and learning, but point out practical and simple actions through their experiences: Freire - with expressions of the political emergence of the popular classes and with social movements; Freinet - with the pedagogical techniques and practices and the teaching directed to the people.

Keywords : freiriana pedagogy; freinetiana pedagogy; teaching and learning.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )