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vol.42Mitos e potencialidades da interdisciplinaridade: reflexões sobre um tema emergenteA invenção de si na escrita autobiográfica de pessoas idosas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Acta Scientiarum. Education

versão impressa ISSN 2178-5198versão On-line ISSN 2178-5201


ZUBARAN, Maria Angélica  e  CRUZ, Joice Mari Ferreira da. Short films and teaching narratives: problematizing racial difference and whiteness. Acta Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.42, e41846.  Epub 01-Dez-2019. ISSN 2178-5201.

The main objective of the present study is to map and problematize speeches and representations recurrent about the racial difference and the whiteness in narrative interviews with teachers of basic education, from the provocations of two short films: Colors and bouts (Vicente, 2010) e and Can call me Nady (Cardoso, 2009), available in Youtube Channel. Highlights the importance of the use of movies in the tract of racial issues, from the approaches of Duarte (2000, 2002), Fabrís (2005, 2008), Fischer and Marcello (2011) and Militão (2013). The analysis are made in the theoretical perspective of Cultural Studies in Education, by the concepts of representation and identity, in authors such as Hall (2011, 2016) and Silva (2010, 2013) and the concept of whiteness in authors such as Piza (2000), Sovik (2009), Cardoso (2014) and Schucman (2014). Among the results of the analysis, stands out that the most recurrent representations produced and disseminated in the film narratives and problematized in the narrative interviews of teachers, were racialized representations marked by the speeches of racial democracy and miscegenation and mediated by the notions of whiteness. It is also pointed out that the film narratives contribute to intend and contest racialized representations and privileges of whiteness in ambit of the basic education and to problematize aesthetic eurocentric standards, particularly linked to hair, as a symbol of ethnic-racial identity.

Palavras-chave : racialized representations; white identity; teachers.

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