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Acta Scientiarum. Education
versão impressa ISSN 2178-5198versão On-line ISSN 2178-5201
LANDIN, Rita de Cassia de Souza e MONTEIRO, Maria Iolanda. Educational software and reading and writing practices: didactic and methodological possibilities. Acta Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.42, e45356. Epub 01-Mar-2020. ISSN 2178-5201.
In this article we present an excerpt from Landin's master's research (2015) on the pedagogical analysis of three educational software aimed at the area of literacy and literacy, with the aim of broadening his reflections on the didactic and methodological possibilities for the promotion of practices reading and writing with such resources. Therefore, we briefly discuss the main characteristics of Landin's research (2015), which was based on the qualitative analysis of educational software in the process of teaching literacy and literacy and interviews with teachers, in order to reflect on the teaching knowledge (Tardif, 2012) necessary for the didactic and methodological use of these resources in the teaching process. At the end, we propose some reflections for the expansion of possible reading and writing practices and, we also risk, to reflect on some training needs for this.
Palavras-chave : technological information and communication resources; literacy and literacy; teacher training.