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Acta Scientiarum. Education
versão impressa ISSN 2178-5198versão On-line ISSN 2178-5201
BIRCK, Rosemeri. Art education in pedagogy courses: searching for human formation. Acta Educ. [online]. 2021, vol.43, e54923. Epub 01-Set-2021. ISSN 2178-5201.
n this article, we started from the understanding of Art as knowledge in the education of the pedagogue-teacher and, for this purpose, the study of Art teaching in the education of academics was delimited as an object of investigation, empirically based on the courses of the Instituto Tocantinense de Educação Superior e Pesquisa Ltda. (ITOP/Palmas) and of the Federal University of Tocantins, Miracema Campus. The investigation was based on bibliographic, documentary, and field research; it was intended to analyze what is the contribution of the discipline of Art to the enrichment of human formation and the creative and critical capacity of the academic and aimed to unveil the theoretical-practical conception of Art teaching in the teacher-pedagogue training policy. In the course of the investigation, by adopting the method of historical-dialectical materialism, the socio-political and educational approaches were combined with the analysis of the specific aspects of these two courses, with regard to the Art teaching in the formation of the pedagogue. As a methodological process and as an investigation strategy for field research, a questionnaire was applied to the students of the courses under study. In the research, it was found that the approximation of the academics with Art happened, mainly, in the schooling process; these academics understand Art from a practical and utilitarian perspective, with a character of more instrumental formation than of human formation. Therefore, their teaching in the process of forming the educator must contemplate the understanding of Art as knowledge and not as a technique, since the epistemological and pedagogical concept that is defended is that of Art as knowledge and creation and its possibility of formation and humanization of the subjects.
Palavras-chave : art; teaching; formation; humanization; pedagogy.