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vol.17 número41Enseñanza técnica: una necesidad o una falacia? Notas para la comprensión de la filosofía de la enseñanza técnica en Portugal y en BrasilLa formación de maestros de educación física en el Uruguay (1921-1930): Julio J. Rodríguez índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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História da Educação

versión impresa ISSN 1414-3518versión On-line ISSN 2236-3459


AMORIM, Mário Lopes. Requirement for the development of our industries: technical education in the context of the Organic Law of Industrial Education. Hist. Educ. [online]. 2013, vol.17, n.41, pp.123-138. ISSN 2236-3459.

The aim of this paper is to understand the creation of industrial-technical courses average in Brazil, from the Industrial Organic Law of Education (1942), in a context of rapid industrialization of the country, taking into account the interests of the entrepreneurs and of the State. Uses as a reference a few articles on the pedagogical-didactic courses of these, published in Technical School of Curitiba's Labor magazine. Seeks to identify the influences of various pedagogical concepts for vocational education, present in the structure of this modality of education. Stresses the importance given to technical education in the preparation and formation of skilled labor.

Palabras clave : Ensino Industrial; Cursos Técnicos; Período Vargas; Revista Labor; Industrial Training; Technical Courses; Vargas Period; Labor Magazine.; La Formación Industrial; Cursos Técnicos; El Período de Vargas; La Revista Labor.

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