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Revista Exitus
versão On-line ISSN 2237-9460
NASCIMENTO, Gilvânia da Conceição; GROSSI JUNIOR, Geraldo e PEREIRA, Jhonata Moreira. MUNICIPAL PLANS OF EDUCATION - PROFILE OF MUNICIPALITIES WHICH HAD NO MUNICIPAL PLAN OF EDUCATION IN THE SECOND YEAR OF EFFECTIVE LAW N. 13.005/14. Rev. Exitus [online]. 2017, vol.7, n.1, pp.108-130. Epub 15-Maio-2019. ISSN 2237-9460.
In 2009 the preparation of PNE became a constitutional requirement. With the deliberations of the National Conference of Education/2010, the Government presented the PL 8025/2010. After processing for approximately four years in the National Congress, the Law 13,005/2014 was sanctioned. In its eighth article, all federal entities should institute their education plans within one year after the publication of the PNE. There was an effort by the Ministry of Education together with Undime and Consed, creating the Technical Assistance Network for Elaboration or Adequacy of Education Plans, aiming to advise the states, the Federal District and the municipalities to comply with this legal determination. In order to provide the best support to federative entities, three means of orientation were established: network organization, guiding documents and electronic portal to information access. This research, which had as a cut only the 49 municipalities that did not comply with the legal determination and sought to establish a profile, based on common characteristics, aiming to identify the reasons that led to noncompliance with the legal precept. For this analysis, the following variables were established: population; IDHM; Political party of the municipal administration; And, view of the state coordinators of the SASE / MEC Technical Assistance network. The data analyzed allowed us to identify that although there is no common profile for these municipalities, there are points of convergence that help to understand the difficulties of municipalities for long-term municipal planning.
Palavras-chave : Education Plans; Collaboration Regime; Profile of Municipalities.