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Revista Exitus
versão On-line ISSN 2237-9460
SANTANA, Elisangela Barreto; VALENTESE ALEXANDRE DA SILVA e FREITAS, Nadia Magalhães da Silva. METHODOLOGY OF PROBLEMATIZATION: the use of problem-situations in Astronomy education. Rev. Exitus [online]. 2019, vol.9, n.1, pp.175-201. Epub 17-Jul-2019. ISSN 2237-9460.
This paper is part of the first author's doctoral research that has the following guiding question: “To what extent does the use of problem-situations influence the teaching of Astronomy in the context of the STS approach, especially with regard to didactic and pedagogical aspects?”. The research involved teachers who teach science as part of a continuing education course. For this work, we focus on presenting the theoretical, historical and epistemological aspects of the Problem-Solving Methodology, emphasizing problem-situations as didactic and pedagogical strategy. It was possible with this research to delineate ways that contribute to the elaboration of problem situations in the teaching of Astronomy, emphasizing the relations between Science, Technology and Society.
Palavras-chave : Teaching of Astronomy; STS approach; Teacher education.