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vol.22 número3Desafíos tecnológicos para enseñanza de libras en la educación a distanciaInclusión y matrícula de alumnos con discapacidades en las escuelas públicas: análisis de un municipio del estado de São Paulo, Brasil índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0104-8481versión On-line ISSN 2238-121X


FERNANDES, CARLA HELENA; FERNANDES, DÉBORA CECÍLIO  y  CALIATTO, SUSANA GAKYIA. Narratives, inclusive educational practice and collective space / time: intersections and reconstructions. Rev. Comunic [online]. 2015, vol.22, n.3, pp.221-238. ISSN 2238-121X.

The current socio-educational context indicates the need for reflection and change in order to consider the diversity of children and young people present in schools and other educational institutions, for whom the great national project of building inclusive education must respond. The research in question is being developed in a non-formal educational institution. Through the organization of a collective space for dialogue between educators and researchers from a local university, it sought to promote reflections on the practices developed by educators with children with differentiated learning and interaction, investigating the educational character of educators participating this discussion and reflection group. The methodological process addresses both the research and the training process, thus observing the involvement and participation of educators in the research’s actions. The first results indicate the educator’s broadening perspective about their professional performance, which has allowed them to identify and involve other elements in their work. In this context, the written narratives have been employed as a reflection element and educators have started their own writings.


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