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Revista Educação e Cultura Contemporânea
versión impresa ISSN 1807-2194versión On-line ISSN 2238-1279
VINHA, Telma Pileggi et al. The Build of Professional Identity(ies) of Physical Education Graduates. Rev. Educ. e Cult. Contemp. [online]. 2018, vol.15, n.40, pp.142-162. Epub 08-Mayo-2018. ISSN 2238-1279.
The aim of this study is to analyze how experiences in the context of professional training and entry to the job market of physical education graduates build professional identity(ies). For the production of data, a focal group were used, with students of the course in Physical Education of Univali. It uses a qualitative approach, with methodological premises based on authors like Gamboa (2012) and Negrine (2010). The technique of content analysis was used to analyze the data, according to Bardin (2011) and Franco (2012). This background was extremely important in the theoretical arrangements and methodological interconnections for the constitution of this research. The process of formation of professional identity(ies) of young trainees in Physical Education is evidenced by the sum of multiple experiences (past, present and future), particularly in the context of initial training, and is potentiated in the process of professional entry to the job market. This professional identity is not fixed; it is formed and transformed in a movement that is plural, diverse, complex, oscillating, transitory, changing, surrounding and contradictory, as occurs in the processes of research and production of knowledge. It is concluded that this construction is the result of a complex network that enables the movement of formation and reformation of professional identity(ies), not fully articulated with the processes of research and creation of methods and methodologies.
Palabras clave : Professional identity; Initial training; Professional insertion; Research processes.