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Revista Educação e Cultura Contemporânea
versión impresa ISSN 1807-2194versión On-line ISSN 2238-1279
VINHA, Telma Pileggi et al. The school climate from the perspective of public school students. Rev. Educ. e Cult. Contemp. [online]. 2018, vol.15, n.40, pp.163-186. Epub 01-Jun-2018. ISSN 2238-1279.
The school climate is understood as the set of perceptions of the members of the school with respect to the following interrelated factors: norms, goals, values, human relations, organization and physical structures, administrative and teaching, which are present in the educational institution. It influences the school learning and the quality of social interactions. This research aimed to identify how students feel about school climate, investigate whether there are differences between the schools surveyed and identify which dimensions of the climate are perceived as positive, negative or neutral. It was constructed and applied a questionnaire able to evaluate the school climate in 566 students of the 7th to the 9th year of four public schools and conducted observations in two of these centers. Overall, students' perceptions of school climate were divided between neutral positions (47.6%) and positive (48.1%), with only 4.3% consider negative. The dimensions considered more positive were related to bullying among students, followed by which dealt rules, social relations and conflicts. The less positive concerned the family relationships and infrastructure. The assessment of the climate presented contributions that can reorient the work of these institutions.
Palabras clave : School Climate; Coexistence School; School Conflicts; Young People.