Revista de Educação Pública
On-line version ISSN 2238-2097
MENANDRO, Maria Cristina Smith and SOUZA, Luiz Gustavo Silva. O que é ser bom aluno?: O que é parar de estudar? Representações sociais de estudantes do ensino médio.What it means to be a good student? And to stop studying?: Social representations constructed by high-school students. R. Educ. Públ. [online]. 2010, vol.19, n.39, pp.75-94. ISSN 2238-2097.
Abstract In this paper, we analyze a net of representations related to school experience. We focus on the ideas of “secondary education”, “stop studying” and “good student”. 120 high-school students participated in this research. We used the method of free evocations at two different moments: at the beginning of the school year and seven months later. We analyzed the data using EVOC software. Results show that the initial experience of secondary education did not change substantially the studied representations. We discuss the naturalization of educational ideas and practices.
Keywords : Social Representation; Youth; Secondary Education.