Revista de Educação Pública
Print version ISSN 0104-5962On-line version ISSN 2238-2097
PAULA, Eunice Dias de. The knowledge and indigenous values transforming the schooling process. R. Educ. Públ. [online]. 2017, vol.26, n.62, pp.355-372. ISSN 2238-2097.
This article presents the native people as pro ducers of knowledge of various kinds. Althou gh this knowledge has been appropriated by the colonizers, the indigenous authorship is not properly recognized. Postcolonial authors such as Santos (2009), Marin (2014) and Quijano (2009) discuss the invisibilization processes and deletion of this knowledge, co lonialist practices that continue to be imposed on indigenous schools. In turn, the presence of indigenous knowledge and values transform the schooling process, entering the school in indigenous education, way necessary so that schools are indeed indigenous.
Keywords : Indigenous Knowledge; Indigenous Values; Coloniality; Schooling Processes.