Revista de Educação Pública
Print version ISSN 0104-5962On-line version ISSN 2238-2097
MADRUGA, Elisângela Barbosa and HENNIMG, Paula Corrêa. The environmental pedagogical discourse in the Minecraft game. R. Educ. Públ. [online]. 2020, vol.29, e7118. Epub Mar 02, 2020. ISSN 2238-2097.
The article in question sought to address the power relations, the ways of conducting the conduct of the subjects and the formation of an environmental pedagogical discourse employed in the electronic game Minecraft. From the theme environmental education and electronic game, it was taken as a problem of research the question: What environmental lessons are triggered in the game Minecraft? To answer the problematic, Foucault's discourse analysis was used as a methodology. When analyzing the game, there were discursive tactics that aimed to teach the players subjects, through lessons of production and cultivation of vegetable garden and planting of trees, ways to be environmentally correct.
Keywords : Environmental Education; Environmental pedagogical discourse; Minecraft.