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vol.30 número58Modos de ler e estratégias para ler: crianças: leitura e literatura infantilA escrita soberana de um palhaço índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Leitura: Teoria e Prática

versión On-line ISSN 2317-0972


DIKSON, Dennys  y  OLIVEIRA, Eduardo Calil de. O manuscrito escolar de histórias em quadrinhos: a imagem -texto na construção do tópico discursivo. LTP [online]. 2012, vol.30, n.58, pp.16-24. ISSN 2317-0972.

Inserted in the field of study of Textual Genetics and assuming as a basis theoretical -methodological studies on school manuscripts of the processes and scripture in act of students newly -literate (CALIL, 2008, 2009), this work analyzes the construction of the topic discursive (LINS, 2008) from the sequence of images offered by a history in comics of Monica’s Gang. Our object of research is the manuscript “O Cebolinha Atrapalhado”, written by two students of 2 year of Basic Education, and use program ELAN to transcribe and analyze the dialog between the students. We note that the topic discursive built by the interpretation of the students is done from the highlight of some elements of image isolated related to the action of the character and each comic and not by the articulation narrative between them.

Palabras clave : Creation Process; Topical Discursive; Image -Text Relationship.

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