Leitura: Teoria e Prática
Print version ISSN 0102-387XOn-line version ISSN 2317-0972
PONTES, Gustavo Tiengo and CUNHA, Maria Teresa Santos. The leading role of reading in the integralist action project: books in the newspaper Flamma Verde -Florianópolis (SC) - between 1936-1938. LTP [online]. 2017, vol.35, n.69, pp.57-72. ISSN 2317-0972. https://doi.org/10.5965/0102-387Xv35n6920170072.
This article aim is to give visibility to the column “Bibliografia”, published in the integralist newspaper Flamma Verde elaborated in Florianópolis (SC) between 1936-1938. This column, published in many of these newspaper editions, indicated a series of books with brief comments that intended to “control”, in a closer way, its reading and the senses related to the integralist action project. Through the analysis of some of those books and its comments, we intend to discuss the formation model disseminated in this series of books.
Keywords : Books; Reading; Brazilian Integralist Action.