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Leitura: Teoria e Prática

Print version ISSN 0102-387XOn-line version ISSN 2317-0972


FURTADO, Joaci Pereira. The fate of this world: paths of Marília de Dirceu in the nineteenth Century. LTP [online]. 2018, vol.36, n.72, pp.73-83. ISSN 2317-0972.

In an uncertain day of February 1810, the magistrate, jurist and poet Tomás Antônio Gonzaga disappeared in the island of Mozambique. Born in Porto in 1744, he had became famous for his participation - supposed or real, but always denied by him - in the “Inconfidência Mineira” or The Minas Conspiracy (1788-1789), later established as a founder instance of Brazilianness according to official history. He mainly figures, however, as the author, among other works, of one of the most widely known books written in Portuguese: Marília de Dirceu, a set of lyrics first published in four changed editions, from 1792 to 1802. The numerous editions of these verses, however, have never been object of bibliographic research, even elementary. This paper deals with that.

Keywords : Marília de Dirceu; Published Editions; Classicism; Romanticism.

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