Print version ISSN 1414-5138On-line version ISSN 2318-1982
MAGALHAES, Solange Martins Oliveira. Attitude of teacher teaches, your gesture speak: the dimension ethics in the field of university teaching. Sér.-Estud. [online]. 2015, n.39, pp.199-212. ISSN 2318-1982. https://doi.org/10.20435/2318-1982-2015-v.39(12).
In a world marked by numerous challenges, including the challenge of instrumentalization of the life world by technical rationality/instrumental, academic training is in a crisis context paradigm, in which not only the idea of truth and the ideal educational experience a crisis. Reason itself loses its status as a self-sufficient and shall be invited to put themselves in listening and understanding the "Other", demanding the formation process, particularly for teacher training, a whole based institution grounded in relationships based on respect and "ethical care." Understanding that the formation of the ethical subject is only possible through the educational process that necessarily involves reflection exercises systematically conducted for students to integrate the concerns and ethical attitude during its formation, this essay reflect on the ethical dimension of teaching as possible help bring out radical "ethical sensitivity" among teachers in their formation process. After all, if this mediation training lacking in teacher training may not occur the development of ethical sensitivity among teachers, which also fail to act in their everyday life in schools.
Keywords : Ethics; University Teaching; Teacher Training.