Print version ISSN 1414-5138On-line version ISSN 2318-1982
OLIVEIRA, Terezinha and NUNES, Meire Aparecida Lóde. Pain and suff ering painted as education precepts by Giotto di Bondone in The Massacre of Inocents. Sér.-Estud. [online]. 2015, n.40, pp.287-304. ISSN 2318-1982. https://doi.org/10.20435/2318-1982-2015-v.40(16).
The aim of this text is to verify in wich way Giotto (1267-1337) registered in his paintings the educative values of the XIII-XIV centuries. We adopted for iconographic analysis the painting The Massacre of Inocentes, in the Capella degli Scrovegni, in Padova, Italy. The investigated hyphotesis is build on the idea that pain/suff er, present in all human beings, is part of the process wich aims at good. In this way, those feelings can be understood as educative elements for the medieval man and registered by Giotto in the painting in wich Herodes orders to kill all the boys with age close to Jesus with the purpose to put an end into the Messiah's life. So, we could verify that Giotto, by pu ng the dead inocents on the floor and the church in the scene background, would be indicating that the way to the construction of the Church of Jesus (the Good) was built through pain/suff er, which complies with the hyphotesis sugested for this study.
Keywords : Education; Pain/Sufferring; Giotto di Bondone.