Print version ISSN 1414-5138On-line version ISSN 2318-1982
FREITAS, Josí Aparecida de and OLIVEIRA, Cláudio José de. The cultural production of teaching in professional and technological education. Sér.-Estud. [online]. 2017, vol.22, n.44, pp.127-142. ISSN 2318-1982. https://doi.org/10.20435/serie-estudos.v22i44.936.
This text intends to render problematic the cultural production of the teacher subject of the professional and technological education who works with young and adults education in a campus of the Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense (IFSul). The discussion is in the analysis of a dispositive - the teacher continuated formation - and the effects that has been produced by this dispositive: the control of the subjects who are envolved with the program. The analysis that are presented here are developments of the data production of a dissertation, with theorical support in the contributions of Michel Foucault, in articulation with another authors who, like him, has been study about the forms of government and subjects constitution in our culture. From among the knowledge/power mechanisms that has been used by the dispositive as government strategies, it has been selecionated the examination and the confession (FOUCAULT, 1987 and 2011). It looks for to show how the teacher constitutes oneself in a subject objectifyed by the dispositive speech and subjectifyed by his resistances to the dispositive strategies. It's understand, equally, with Hall (1997) that social practices, while depend of the meaning to work and produce efects, they are discursives. Therefore, the government of conduct occurs in the relationship between culture and power. If problematizes, in the process, the constitution of the teacher as subject ethics in relation to the moral code that it is culturally prescribed.
Keywords : Teaching; culture; governmentality.