Print version ISSN 1414-5138On-line version ISSN 2318-1982
HAMMES, Lucio Jorge; ZITKOSKI, Jaime José and BOMBASSARO, Luiz Carlos. Interdisciplinary challenges in teacher education: theoretical and practical question. Sér.-Estud. [online]. 2017, vol.22, n.45, pp.59-77. ISSN 2318-1982. https://doi.org/10.20435/serie-estudos.v22i45.976.
This article aims to link the academic qualifications with practical experience of education professionals. Discusses issues related to interdisciplinary, emphasizing its philosophical foundation, educational practice and ethical principles. The methodology is based on qualitative research that used the approach of desk research, in-depth interviews with some of the participants of teacher training analyzed in this research. The data are analyzed with authors and readings from other surveys dealing with the same theme. The research highlights the purpose of overcoming, in academic areas analyzed, the disciplinary logic and fragmenting knowledge, indicating challenges to rethink teacher training in an interdisciplinary perspective, with the attitude and the wisdom of dialogue, exchange of knowledge and experiences, seeking the understanding. Thus, it is suggested over disciplinary paradigm for interdisciplinary, and inter-subjectivity as ethical and anthropological foundation for the realization of an interdisciplinary approach, both as research training.
Keywords : teacher education; intersubjectivity; interdisciplinarity.