Print version ISSN 1414-5138On-line version ISSN 2318-1982
BRANDALISE, Giselly Cristini Mondardo and HEINZLE, Márcia Regina Selpa. Historical and political aspects of the Bologna Process: expansion of internationalization policies in Higher Education. Sér.-Estud. [online]. 2020, vol.25, n.54, pp.65-88. Epub Sep 22, 2020. ISSN 2318-1982. https://doi.org/10.20435/serie-estudos.v25i54.1379.
This article aims to understand the historical and political aspects of the Bologna Process through a state of knowledge realized in the CAPES Journal Portal, between 2006-2018, considered a refined amount of 23 articles. It is a qualitative and hermeneutic research, in an effort to understand this movement that contributed to the expansion of internationalization policies in Higher Education. From the data collection, it was possible to consider some categories of analysis that contributed to substantiate the present discussions. The results indicate that it is a conjuncture defined through a panorama that installs and guides educational systems from a Eurocentric view and economic globalization, influencing world policies of Higher Education, Teacher Training, among others. It is necessary to reflect on the context and policies arising from the Bologna Process, as well as the consequences that result from it so that it is possible to develop strategies and actions that enable collaborative and contributing performances for everyone in society.
Keywords : Bologna Process; internationalization policies; teacher training.