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vol.27 número59A Base Nacional Comum Curricular dialoga (ou não) com o princípio da gestão democrática do ensino?Experiências de “camuflagem” de gênero: pessoas trans e o uso do nome social em uma universidade pública no Centro-Oeste brasileiro índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1414-5138versão On-line ISSN 2318-1982


UCZAK, Lucia Hugo; ZUCCHETTI, Dinora Tereza  e  SILVA, Andresa Tais da. Perceptions about teaching practice after the continued training of literacy teachers, within the scope of the PNAIC. Sér.-Estud. [online]. 2022, vol.27, n.59, pp.241-260.  Epub 30-Maio-2022. ISSN 2318-1982.

This article aims to present the analysis of the teaching practice of three teachers of the literacy cycle from their participation in the Continuing Training of Literacy Teachers Course, offered under the National Pact for Literacy in the Right Age (PNAIC). The research methodology is characterized by the qualitative approach of exploratory nature, consisting of the documents study guiding the Pact, observation of the practice, and the realization of semi-structured interviews with the teachers. The theoretical basis is built, among others, on Alarcão (2001), Libâneo (2005), and Moll (2009). In the results, there is a mixture between the absorption and the adequacy of what was worked on in the Course, appropriate to the teaching practice and the maintenance, still very present, of methodologies called traditional, aimed at the display of information and content memorization, despite five years of training.

Palavras-chave : PNAIC; teaching practice; continuing training.

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