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Revista Internacional de Educação Superior
versão On-line ISSN 2446-9424
MARCON, Telmo; SCOLARI, Adriel e MEZADRI, Neri José. Education for Democracy in the Neoliberal Context: University Contributions to Overcome Competitive Subjectivity. Rev. Int. Educ. Super. [online]. 2022, vol.8, e022007. Epub 12-Ago-2022. ISSN 2446-9424.
This bibliographical article aims to deepen the challenges of a democratic education in a context of hegemony of neoliberal thought, which emphasizes the construction of competitive subjectivities. Neoliberalism is understood here beyond the classically considered assumptions of economic policies that defend a minimal State in the economy and in socio-educational policies. The contributions of Dardot and Laval (2016), Biesta (2013), Dewey (1979), among others, make it possible to broaden the understanding of how neoliberal assumptions enter subjectivities and produce new ways of life. Concepts such as neo-subject, entrepreneur of self, competition, competition, among others, translate these new assumptions. In this context, educational institutions, especially universities, are challenged to problematize these trends and contribute to the construction of humanizing and democratic assumptions. Higher education institutions have an important commitment in the formation of democratic subjects. In conclusion, we reaffirm the thesis that only a democratic education is capable of qualifying the assumptions of sociability in view of a life in common.
Palavras-chave : School education; Democracy; Neoliberalism; Competitive subjectivity; Sociability.