Revista Brasileira de Política e Administração da Educação
Print version ISSN 1678-166XOn-line version ISSN 2447-4193
CAREGNATO, CÉLIA ELIZABETE; MIORANDO, BERNARDO SFREDO and LEITE, DENISE. The field of education in Brazil: changes in attributes for legitimation of researchers. Revista Brasileira de Política e Administração da Educação [online]. 2018, vol.34, n.1, pp.211-232. ISSN 2447-4193.
This article discusses how researchers build their scientific legitimacy in the field of education in Brazil. Strategies and disputes mark the dynamics and offer elements to analyze the acquisition of political and pure scientific capital. The methodology included analysis of researchers' curricula and shows that, vis-à-vis the quest for productivity and legitimacy, in the time elapsed between 2005 and 2014, there was a change in the composition of the players’ academic-scientific capital, probably induced by the evaluation public policies in the last decades.
Keywords : university; academic-scientific field; educational research; evaluation.