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Educação & Formação
versão On-line ISSN 2448-3583
EZQUERRO, Aurora Martínez. When written language approaches to oral: linguistic competences in the academic discourse of students of the degree in Primary Education. Educ. Form. [online]. 2021, vol.6, n.1, e3502. Epub 04-Jan-2021. ISSN 2448-3583.
University students must show communication skills in their academic work. The variety of discursive practices that they encounter during their degree often reveals that they have not properly developed these abilities and that they do not possess full linguistic competence. Therefore, in this empirical investigation of a case study carried out with Primary Education degree students (University of La Rioja), the linguistic and discursive competence of the linguistic features of academic practices that use features typical of oral language are analysed using a qualitative methodology. The extensive corpus shows that there are numerous cases of informal register use and that, therefore, the texts do not adapt to the communicative context. The training of students through literacy programmes would solve these deficiencies, although this training should be carried out from a transdisciplinary perspective.
Palavras-chave : Linguistic competence; Oral language; Academic literacy; Primary training.