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vol.6 número2“É proibida a igualdade de gênero nesse estabelecimento”: discursos sobre a “Lei da Ideologia de Gênero” em Santa Rita, Patos e Campina Grande - Paraíba (2017-2018)O corpo é voz, mas na Educação Física não: compreensões sobre corpo na formação docente índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Educação & Formação

versão On-line ISSN 2448-3583


LIMA NETO, Avelino Aldo de; SILVA, Rita de Cássia Angelo da  e  MAIA, Robério Nunes. Pedagogies of masculinity: reflections on processes of subjectivity of male EJA teachers. Educ. Form. [online]. 2021, vol.6, n.2, e4378.  Epub 20-Abr-2021. ISSN 2448-3583.

The objective of this article is to understand, through the speeches of three male teachers of Youth and Adult Education, the ways in which hegemonic masculinity acted in their processes of subjectivation. The aim is to reveal the negation of sensitivity as an essential dimension of the pedagogy of masculinity, to point out the ambiguities of bodily experiences in the process of becoming a man and, finally, to unveil the confrontations lived by the participants, regarding masculinity in the process of constructing the teaching identity. The research is qualitative, with an exploratory focus. Semi-structured interviews are adopted for the construction of the data. The results point to a constant tension between the unattainable ideal of hegemonic masculinity and the creative rupture with this parameter.

Palavras-chave : Masculinity; Teaching; Subjectivity; Youth and Adult Education.

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