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Educação & Formação
versão On-line ISSN 2448-3583
IRALA, Valesca Brasil e BIHAIN, Anderson Jeske. Scenarios of teaching written production in pre-service teacher education programs: challenges for a public university in Southern Brazil. Educ. Form. [online]. 2021, vol.6, n.2, e3982. Epub 20-Abr-2021. ISSN 2448-3583.
This text aims to map, in a public institution in Southern Brazil, the scenario of teaching publication with regard to the choice of vehicles used to socialize research results, with an emphasis on professors of pre-service teacher education programs. It is characterized as a descriptive study of data extracted from the declared written production by 400 professors in a period of three years (2016-2018). The predominantly investigated levels of education were identified (mainly Primary and Higher School), the area of knowledge with the highest production (Natural Sciences) and guiding approaches (Teaching Methodologies and Teacher Education Programs). Also, it was found that most papers were published in Portuguese and the dominant quantitative standard per professor was 1 to 5 productions during the three-year period analyzed. As a prognosis, it is indicated for the need to think about mechanisms for the training of university professors not only in the scope of teaching, but also of research.
Palavras-chave : University education; Training of researchers; Teacher education Programs; Scientific productivity.