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Revista Eletrônica de Educação

On-line version ISSN 1982-7199

Rev. Elet. Educ. vol.13 no.2 São Carlos May/Aug 2019  Epub Jan 01, 2020 

Dossier Education, Culture and Subjectivity

Presentation of the Dossier “Education, Culture and Subjectivity”

Nilson Fernandes Dinis II  

Alan Victor Pimenta de Almeida Pales Costa II  

IIUniversidade Federal de São Carlos - São Carlos, SP, Brasil

In 2016, the Postgraduate Program in Education, of the Federal University of São Carlos, completed forty years of history. It was created in 1975, with the Master´s degree course, and in 1991 there was the implementation of the Doctoral course.

In commemoration of its forty years, the Electronic Journal of Education of UFSCar (REVEDUC) published, in 2017, several articles that presented and told the history of the construction of the various lines of research of this Post-Graduation Program in Education. Among these historical publications, the article “Between Subjectivities and Cultures: A New Line of Research for Education” presented the process of constitution of our research line: Education, Culture and Subjectivity. The article mapped the main theoretical references of the line, which was created in 2009, as well as the questions and challenges proposed by this new area of research in education. At the intersection of the researches developed along the line was the criticism of the forms of power and control that materialized in the disciplinary processes that moved individuals and institutions, but there was also an interest in the possibilities of resistance in the educational space. The various aspects of culture and its processes of subjectivation have since been addressed in researches that deal with different objects of study such as: bodies, childhoods, alterities, genres, sexualities, ethnicities, races, media, artistic productions, curricula and spaces-times of education.

In this dossier, published after the ten years anniversary of the line, we present some of the work developed by its researchers. The articles by the teachers and students of the Post-Graduation Program in Education (PPGE-UFSCar) show a mosaic of theoretical approaches, methodologies and proposals for the area of education that we have developed both in the subjects that make up the curriculum of the line, as well as in the research orientation processes . External invitees who have developed research on the theme of the line also collaborated with the dossier in order to establish partnerships for future research and publications. In the guiding thread of the articles is the interest for the debate about the roles of culture and education in the constitution of forms of contemporary subjectivities.

Opening the dossier is the article by Sandra Riscal, a line researcher, who uses Max Weber’s concepts to discuss the role of professional duty in the constitution of modern subjectivity. In the following article, the line researchers Antonio Zuin and Luiz Roberto Gomes discuss the Media Age in which the omnipresence of the screens of digital technologies acts in the reconfiguration of subjectivity and in the redefinition of public and private spaces. Alessandro Garcia Paulino, Alan Victor Pimenta and Nilson Dinis, also researchers of the line, propose to discuss the possibilities of an Image Pedagogy by crossing the processes of cinematographic assembly, as well as the manner of addressing and the reception by the viewer. In the following article: “Roaming in the night: meetings between philosophy, education and music, to the ‘sound’ of Derrida and Debussy”, Andréia Marin, an invited external researcher from the Federal University of the Triângulo Mineiro and Marcos Câmara de Castro from the University of São Paulo, cross intersections between philosophy, education and music to discuss the weakening of representational policies in the processes of subjectivation and otherness. Ana Godinho, a researcher at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in her article “The contradiction that cannot be told”, retakes the concept of “double bind” to think about the relationship between education, knowledge and politics in the current context of the acceleration of information and knowledge processes and the impasses of incommunicability. Returning to the researchers of the line, Maria Cecília Luiz, Flávio Caetano da Silva and Clarissa Galvão Bengtson use the discourse analysis methodology, from a Foucaultian perspective, to analyze some of the research developed at the PPGE-UFSCar between 2017 and 2018. Andrea Braga Moruzzi, also a line researcher, seeks similarly in the Foucaultian referential support to think about the processes of pedagogization of the child’s gender, understanding childhood as a historical device of power relations. Childhood and the Foucaultian referential are also included in the article “Childhood and Ethnic-Racial Relations: A Matter of Know-Power”, authored by researchers from the State University of Southwest of Bahia: Edmacy Quirina de Souza and Reginaldo Santos Pereira. In the article they discuss childhood and racism in the educational spaces and the challenges of an antiracist pedagogy. In the following article, “Curricular Challenges in Higher Education: Contributions of the Abdias Nascimento Program”, researchers Ana Cristina Juvenal da Cruz, Tatiane Cosentino Rodrigues, Denise Cruz and Ivanilda Amado Cardoso present results from the first phase of the project “Knowledge, research and curricular innovations in teacher training for ethnic-racial diversity in higher education: questions and contributions of the ethnic-racial and cultural matrices of African and Afro-descendant knowledge” of NEAB/UFSCar. At the end of the dossier is the article “The epistemological concepts of Inclusive Education: property of the multiplicity”, by the invited external researcher Aldo Ocampo González (director of CELEI-Chile). In his article, he discusses the epistemological concepts in the field of the production of Inclusive Education, which move articulating several subjects and constituting a complex analytical field that’s permanently in movement.


DINIS, N. F.; COSTA, A. V. P. P. Apresentação - Dossiê “Educação, Cultura e Subjetividade”. Revista Eletrônica de Educação. v. 13 n. 2, p. 365-366. São Carlos-SP: Universidade Federal de São Carlos. 2019. Disponível em ]

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