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Psicologia da Educação

Print version ISSN 1414-6975On-line version ISSN 2175-3520

Psic. da Ed.  no.51 São Paulo July/Dec 2020  Epub Nov 20, 2020 



Mitsuko Aparecida Makino Antunes1

Ruzia Chaouchar dos Santos2

Luciana de Oliveira Rocha Magalhães3

1 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - São Paulo - SP - Brasil;

2 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - São Paulo - SP - Brasil;

3 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - São Paulo - SP - Brasil;

We present here the 51st issue out of three that will be published with the date of 2020 of our Journal. This year has been an unusual one, whose consequences are not yet predictable, although it can already be said that this year will be remembered as a tragic one for the world. We are going through this year with a pandemic that has already left more than 5 million infected people and more than 150 thousand dead in Brazil. But that was not all, science was attacked, disqualified and neglected. As well as the education, culture, health and the environment.When this issue of the Journal was being completed, yet another attack on education emerged: this time towards inclusive education, which has been built with great effort and has been seeking to overcome so many obstacles, runs the risk of being undermined in its most expensive principles by Decree No. 10.502/2020.Thus, the Editorial Board of this Journal considers that is important to express our position regarding this Decree. The Revista Psicologia da Educação at PUC-SP reaffirms here its historical commitment to people with disabilities in the fight for their rights. It is with regret and a combative spirit that we list some points that must be brought up in relation to this decree and a whole set of expropriations engendered by it.This decree is critically engineered and shows what it came for: to bring a false awareness of the reality of Special-Inclusive Education. Words and phrases that are proper of our political struggle are mingled with others of ideological character; this hides the decree’s true face and above all defaults on ethics! Throughout the decre’s text we are being assaulted by the threat to historical achievements so dear to people with disabilities. The title of the decree does not make it equitable and inclusive. Another expression, “lifelong learning”, maliciously placed in the decree, seems at first to be something coherent with a perspective of integral, permanent and inclusive education. However, we know that it proposes a segregated school in private institutions, although sustained by public power, which doors will be open and whose interests are at least dubious. Not to mention the specialized schools, which return to the dance, well organized by “type” of disability, that is, radically segregated.

It is a fallacious discourse, which promises resources, services and actions that sound, to naive ears, as an advance in the education of students with disabilities. In the decree’s chapter V the services and resources are listed as specialized centers, support centers, activity centers, training centers, specialized classes, bilingual classes and schools, specialized schools, specialized care center schools, available accessible didatic materials and assistive technology, resource rooms, accessibility centers, varied specialized care services. And who will offer all this? Here is one of the forms of expression of the eminently privatist character of this decree, which opens not only loopholes, but huge ditches for the private initiative and its commercial interests with the transfer of public money destined for special/inclusive education to their vaults.

In the next issue of this journal, it will be published the conference given by Carla Biancha Angelucci for the event Implications of Decree No. 10.502 in the dismantling of public policies for Special Education from the perspective of Inclusive Education, who was invited by the Faculty of Education of PUC - SP and its four postgraduate programs ( Education: Curriculum; Education: Educational Psychology; Education: History, Politics and Society and Education: Training of Trainers), with the participation of managers, teachers and students (who were the main organizers of the event). The analysis presented by the speaker reaffirms our position and deepens and complements it, with special emphasis on the interpretation of the unconstitutionality of the reffered decree.

Therefore we are in front of the thorough proof of this decree’s intention. An inverse, unconstitutional, incoherent, and irresponsible path, which disregards the social conception of a person with a disability, places them retrogradely under the aegis of the medical and pathological model, prioritizing the biological, the lack, the defect, to the detriment of the person as concrete human being. The interpretation of the reffered decree in the light of the historical struggle for the rights of people with disabilities is higly needed. It is no longer possible to accept naively and passively in the banal and light-hearted arguments that insist on repeating that inclusive education does not work, that the school is not prepared, that teachers are not prepared! These are false questions! It’s the dead end where they want to put us! It’s another step towards a “new” project to an elitist education, privatized, uncritical and excluding all expressed forms of diversity and difference.

However, the attack on inclusive education is just one side of the coin.

The expressive developments of the prevailing dominant order founded on movements of privatization and subordination to the laws of the Market reverberate among other fields of social life, in laws and decrees aimed at promoting the deepening of the dismantling of social and labor rights, which are now to be socially justified and legitimized by a fallacious discourse and reinforced by the dramatic situation of the health crisis that is plaguing the world and, particularly, Brazil, naturalizing social, economic, ethnic-racial and gender inequalities, as a way of maintaining oppression and social injustices.

In view of this, we can illustrate the setbacks in the national policy on mental health, alcohol and other drugs, proposed by Ordinance No. 069/2020, of the Federal Government, which apparently intends to mitigate the effects of the pandemic, by assuming the service offered to homeless population by therapeutic communities in pandemic times. However, it is necessary to interpret this movement in its contradictions, given that this supposed measure of acceptance hides in its core the process of commodification of the phenomena of social life that are anchored in the ideology of “war on drugs”, constituted by the prohibitionist, mental institution and social hygiene principles which are forged in and by the servile dependency relations to the hegemonic models of the Capital. Understanding this movement and its relationship with the dismantling of inclusive education is a task that is imposed on us.

This process, in conjunction with the profit logic of private psychiatric hospital beds, among other tragic forms of expression of dehumanization of the subjects, go against the realization of the historical premises of the Psychiatric Reform and the National Anti-Asylum Movement, which make up the Brazilian Mental Health policy, in defense of the citizenship rights that subsidized/subsidize the movements of struggle and resistance enmeshed by collective forces in favor of health care networks, outlined in line with the foundations of intersectoriality, integrality and universalization that guide the psychosocial rehabilitation of the population using mental health services in Brazilian territory, as recommended by Law No. 10, 216/2001.

It is worth mentioning that the upsurge of propositions forged by the privatization logic of the Unified Health System, are based on profitable and segregationist tendencies that are expressed, especially, in processes of social exclusion, stigmatization and naturalization of the extermination of the peripheral black young population, homeless people, traditional peoples and quilombolas, among other more vulnerable social groups, focused on the prism of dangerousness, incapacity and/or moralism , which underpin the regimes of containment, surveillance, disciplinarization and adjustment to the status quo. In time, the Decree No. 10,530/2020 has just been published even though it lacks rigorous study and analysis, which transfers determinations regarding the primary health care policy to the Ministry of Economy providing for partnerships with the private sector.

In this sense, it should also be noted that the supposed naivety present in assumptions that aim to ensure the expansion of democratic education at different levels, are circumscribed in the business logic subsumed to the interests of foreign capital, as indicated in the roots of the ordinance nº 434 / 2020, which proposes the systematization of a Working Group founded on formulations that aim to subsidize the development of strategies aimed at expanding the offer of courses for higher education in the form of distance education in federal universities. Such measures to accelerate distance education in public institutions, in turn, committed to the expansion and consolidation of the process of commodification of education by international conglomerates, are expressed in the widespread “bank education” (Freire, 1970/1987), which manifests itself the accentuation of the standard - setting training systems, meritocratic and productivist, that worsen the precarious conditions of teaching-learning processes, making teaching activities increasingly alienated. In effect, such aspects reinforce the emptying of the social function of the act of teaching, which must excel in its intentionality in providing students with cultural instruments and signs that allow them to appropriate the knowledge systematized historically and collectively by humanity, which are the fundamental bases for the ethical and political commitment to the transformation of reality, revealing itself as a historical setback and that reach, above all, the expressive portion of the poor Brazilian population.

Furthermore, in this issue, the article Postgraduate contributions on traffic education is published, which reviews the research in this field, given the importance of the topic and the need to undertake efforts to reduce morbidity and mortality in traffic in the country. In time, the National Traffic Code was recently modified, easing penalties for infractions that endanger the lives of human beings.

Once again we can not fail to highlight the collaboration of many people, among them master students, doctoral students and alumni, today doctors and postdoctoral students, of our PED: Ruzia Chaouchar dos Santos, Bárbara Palhuzi, Cíntia de Fátima, Jaqueline Nery, Daniele Kramm, Luciana Magalhães, Alessandra Olivieri, Regina Prandini, Marcus Vinícius Lopes, Sandra de Oliveira, Jéssica Silva, Priscila da Costa, Aline Matos, in addition to the Program’s coordination assistant, Edson Aguiar. Without each one of you, the realization of this Journal would not be possible.

We are also grateful to the many fellow researchers who, in such an exceptional situation, found time to contribute to the evaluations of articles submitted to the Journal.

We especially recognize the importance of the PIPEQ Program, from PUC - SP, which has financed this publication, as well as the other professionals at the University, especially Waldir Alves, who have given us excellent professional support.


Freire, P. (1970/1987). Pedagogia do oprimido. 17ª Edição. São Paulo: Paz e Terra. [ Links ]

Brasil. (2020). Portaria nº 069, de 14 de maio de 2020. Aprova recomendações gerais para a garantia de proteção social à população em situação de rua, inclusive imigrantes, no contexto da pandemia do novo Coronavírus, Covid-19. Diário Oficial da União. Recuperado: 22 out. 2020.Disponível: Disponível: ]

Brasil. (2020). Decreto nº 10.502, de 30 de setembro de 2020. Institui a Política Nacional de Educação Especial: Equitativa, Inclusiva e com Aprendizado ao longo da vida. Diário Oficial da União. Recuperado: 20 out. 2020. Disponível: Disponível: ]

Brasil. (2020). Portaria nº 434/2020, de 22 de outubro de 2020. Institui Grupo de Trabalho com a finalidade de subsidiar a discussão, a elaboração e a apresentação de estratégias para a ampliação da oferta dos cursos de nível superior, na modalidade de educação a distância - EaD, nas universidades federais. Diário Oficial da União. Recuperado: 24 out. 2020. Disponível: Disponível: ]

Brasil. (2020). Decreto nº 10.530, de 26 de outubro de 2020. Dispõe sobre a qualificação da política de fomento ao setor de atenção primária à saúde no âmbito do Programa de Parcerias de Investimentos da Presidência da República, para fins de elaboração de estudos de alternativas de parcerias com a iniciativa privada. Diário Oficial da União. Recuperado: 27 out. 2020. Disponível: Disponível: ]

Received: October 27, 2020; Accepted: October 28, 2020

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