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| · About Education, Politics and Singularity Rahme, Mônica Maria Farid; Ferreira, Carla Mercês da Rocha Jatobá; Neves, Libéria Rodrigues
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| · The Special in Education: meanings and uses Plaisance, Éric
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| · Special Education Policy and the Challenges of an Inclusive Perspective Neves, Libéria Rodrigues; Rahme, Mônica Maria Farid; Ferreira, Carla Mercês da Rocha Jatobá
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| · Ethical Interpellation to Inclusive Education Voltolini, Rinaldo
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| · Clinical Practice and Schooling of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Pimenta, Paula Ramos
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| · Accessibility Policy: what people with visual impairment say Bruno, Marilda Moraes Garcia; Nascimento, Ricardo Augusto Lins do
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| · Special Education Policy: on ambivalence, tension and indeterminacy Ullrich, Wladimir Brasil
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| · Ten Years of PNEEPEI: an analysis from a biopolitical perspective Pagni, Pedro Angelo
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| · Setbacks of University Teaching in Health Sciences Pivetta, Hedioneia Maria Foletto; Schlemmer, Neosane; Roveda, Patrícia Oliveira; Isaia, Silvia Maria de Aguiar; Porolnik, Sinara; Cocco, Vanessa Michelon
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| · Emotions in Mathematics Education: a view based on complex thought Contreras, Jorge Iván Ávila; Moreno, Leonora Consuelo Díaz
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| · Assessment of Educational Systems and Educational Management: theoretical contributions Bauer, Adriana
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| · Notes towards a Pedagogy of Movement: on will and education in Henri Bergson Melo, Danilo
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| · Learning Configurations and Teaching Knowledge Filgueira, Sérgio Silva; Arruda, Sergio de Mello; Passos, Marinez Meneghello
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| · Teacher Training: reflections of mathematical education in higher education Bianchini, Barbara Lutaif; Lima, Gabriel Loureiro de; Gomes, Eloiza
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| · The Right to Early Childhood Education in the Courts of Justice of Brazil Taporosky, Barbara Cristina Hanauer; Silveira, Adriana Aparecida Dragone
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| · From the Memories to a Sensorial History of the School in the Province of Paraná Anjos, Juarez José Tuchinski dos
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| · Mais Educação Program in Latin America: legacies for deprived children and youth Carvalho, Levindo Diniz; Ramalho, Bárbara; Santos, Kildo Adevair dos
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| · Images of Preparation: from Greek ethics to contemporary formativity Bocchetti, André; Bueno, Belmira Oliveira
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| · The Basic Education in Sweden and Brazil: some similarities and differences Brandão, Carlos da Fonseca
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| · Offer of Schools of Quilombola School Education Center in the Northeast/BR Santos, Edmilson Santos; Velloso, Tatiana Ribeiro; Nacif, Paulo Gabriel Soledade; Silva, Givania
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